Why does the stalker call of Pripyat fly out xray. problem solving. Using the Troubleshooter

A large number of users of Microsoft products are reporting the loss of activation of Windows 10 and the conversion of the Pro version to Home. Users receive a notification about an expired key, and when they try to reactivate, they get error 0x803fa067 for Windows 10. How to fix problems and start the system is discussed later in the article.

Causes of failures

Microsoft, under standard conditions, offers the input of activation keys to confirm authenticity, as well as the correct use of the installed version of Windows.

Activation error 0x803fa067 Windows 10

Error 0x803fa067 when activating Windows 10 can occur for several reasons:

Interesting to know! The company has officially acknowledged that there is a problem with the Pro version activation server (0x803fa067) for Windows 10. Complaints were received from users from all over the world: Korea, Japan and residents of other countries.

Using the Troubleshooter

The troubleshooting feature is only available if a copy of Windows 10 (version 1607 and above) has not yet been activated. This service will allow you to troubleshoot existing problems with activation. To use the functionality, the user must be an administrator.

Running troubleshooting or re-entering the license key will re-activate the system

To run the troubleshooter, follow these steps:

      1. Click on the "Start" button.
      2. Go to the "Settings" section.
      3. Then select "Updates and Security".
      4. And select the "Activation" item.
      5. Then click on the "Troubleshoot" line.

    If the service is unable to cope with the error, you can try to fix it yourself or contact technical support for help.

    Windows 10 activation

    Important! If error 0x803fa067 occurs during installation of Windows 10, you may need to confirm the legal purchase of the product: scans of purchase receipts, stickers and copies of letters indicating correspondence with electronic distribution stores.

    Microsoft reports that the occurrence of error code 0x803fa067 when activating Windows 10 may be due to the fact that at the time of the free update, not the latest version was installed.

    Solution for error 0x803fa067 when activating Windows 10

    An internet connection is required to activate Windows 10. To diagnose and know how to fix error 0x803fa067 in Windows 10, you should follow a series of sequential steps:

    If the above steps do not help, contact

Today we will analyze the most common problems associated with the game, which has become the largest brainchild of the Ukrainian studio GSC Game World, namely S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. This first-person shooter was introduced back in 2009, but is still popular today. Oddly enough, many players have various questions about the stability of the game, as it can often crash or freeze.

Before proceeding with the ways to fix bugs, check if your computer meets the minimum technical parameters:

  • Processor - Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz / AMD XP 2200+
  • RAM - 512+ MB
  • Video Card – 128 MB VRAM and Direct3D 8.0 support

Updating the XRay game engine

If the game crashes due to any XRay Engine errors, then an update to the game engine version is required. At the moment, the most current patch under version 1.6.2, which you can download from the link https://www.playground.ru/files/patch_s_t_a_l_k_e_r_zov_pripyati_v1_6_01_1_6_02-27504/ . It is also worth noting that this update fixes crashes after a long game in single player mode. 90% of crashes and freezes are fixed by this patch. Forward!

Remove mods and add-ons

It often happens that after installing one or more mods, Stalker starts to slow down, or even crash during the game. When there are several mods, then most likely everything is due to their conflict. Solution: delete mods one by one and check if the crashes have disappeared. Even if you have only one mod, you will have to delete it, as it could have some damaged files or even a lack of them, which is why you started to crash and freeze.

Stalker: Call of Pripyat crashes when moving between locations

All you need to fix this annoying bug is to install Sigerous Mod 1.7. As its developers assure, it fixes ALL bugs and after installation you will forever forget what it is like when Stalker freezes or crashes. How to install it:

  1. Download from the link https://depositfiles.com/files/yz4rn9sov
  2. Open the game folder
  3. In the root of this folder we find and delete gamedata
  4. Run the installer
  5. We are waiting for the installation to complete and restart the computer

It helped a lot, as the reviews on the forums and fansites say. After installation, you can unsubscribe in the comments if it helped or not.

Installing the MISERY 2.0 add-on

The MISERY 2.0 mod for Stalker: Call of Pripyat brought a lot of interesting innovations, including more than 200 barrels, of which 80 are brand new. It would seem, why do I need all this, because I just want to play! The bottom line is that the developers of this add-on fixed a lot of bugs and errors, due to which there could be problems with the game. What we do:

  1. Download Misery 2.0 from the link https://yadi.sk/d/Nq7fIhF07US28
  2. Open the archive and unpack it
  3. Run the file MISERY2.0 setup.exe
  4. Waiting for the installation to finish

After the installation is complete, you will need to run the game through the Stalker-COP.exe file, and be sure to run it as an administrator.

That's all, we've covered the main critical errors that cause STALKER: Call of Pripyat to crash. For all other questions, you can contact in the comments.

Video with instruction

0) Install Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (Proffesional or Team, I built it in the first one), the service pack from the engine.vc2008.fixed.rar archive is suitable only for the English version of the studio, for the Russian one you will need to download it separately.

1) Create a folder on the disk, there is another folder in it.

2) In this folder we place only the engine.vc2008 folder from the archive "engine.vc2008.fixed - the vs2008 project I fixed", we do not touch the SDK folder from there.

3) Take the SDK folder from the archive "stasvn\sources\engine.vc2005-2008(~1.6.02 benchmark) - March 2010", from the sources subfolder.
We put it in one folder to engine.vc2008

4) Now, on top of it, we report the SDK folder from the engine.vc2008.fixed.rar archive, agree to replace all files

5) Download two DirectX SDKs from the Microsoft website - 2009 March and 2010 June. (The weight of each is about 500 mb), you can only use the 2009 version, but then you will not be able to build xrRender_R4. (LINK: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "d3d11.lib"), and if you use only 2010, the game will not start with R4.

After installing two DX SDKs, make sure that they have registered their paths to the studio, the 2010 SDK files must be after 2009, as shown in the figure:

The same is true for the Executable files and Include files sections. If you have any questions, google for "connecting directx sdk visual studio 2008"

If the SDK versions are incorrect (or it is not connected), the log will swear at the absence of files like d3dXX.lib \ .h)
There is no need to move folders from the already installed DirectX SDK anywhere. It is enough to set the paths to them globally for the studio (or for each project manually)

Comment from loxotron: just copy and rename d3d11_beta.lib to d3d11.lib in the folder with the direct sdk, or even better, download and install the DX SDK August 2009 and don't bother with unsuitable versions.

6) Just in case, you can also install SDK \ OpenALwEAX.exe, but I'm not sure that it is critically needed.

7) Run the project through ..\CoP\Project\engine.vc2008\engine.sln. When it loads, at the top of the studio, we change the build mode from Debug_Dedicated (or any other) to Release. Next, on the left \ right there will be a list of folders with engine files, we need, first of all, the 3rd_party folder - right-click on it and select Build \ Build.

If everything is correct, then at the end the log below will write about 11 successful projects (or the number will be less if some projects have already been built before, the log will also report "skipped \ up to date" about this) 0
I have collected completely all projects without errors. (warnings are not considered full-fledged errors)

8) By analogy, from top to bottom, you can build other Dlls, it is not necessary to build the editor\dedicated\utils\plugins folders - they do not apply to the engine. xrGame.dll will take the longest to build. The rest are fast enough.

By the way, it is not necessary to collect all Dlls. You can only need. When they are ready - create a clean bin folder in the game folder. Throw all the created dll files there (you can along with .pdb). If necessary, you can upload the missing files from the original bin RFP (2nd patch), if the game requires them. (Like wrap_oal.dll)
I started the game from the original Stalker-COP.exe

If everything is correct, then in the log\console of the game, the build of the game and the date of construction will be indicated in the first lines.

Computer games are a great way to "kill time", have fun and just relax. Even without being an inveterate gamer, a person often has his own preferences in the field of game development. Someone loves shooters, someone cannot live without strategies.

Back in 2006, the real event was the release of STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. The game has gained millions of fans around the world. The latest version, Call of Pripyat, was released in 2009, after which the number of fans of the game has increased dramatically: the atmosphere of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is so exciting that even adults are able to sit for hours at it.

Unfortunately, many users complain that the XRay Engine error prevents them from enjoying the game. What causes its appearance and how to get rid of it? This is what our article is about.

What is XRay?

In order to find out how to solve the problem, you need to understand its root cause in more detail. Let's start with the fact that XRay is a game engine that is used in all parts of Stalker.

It was created specifically for this game, and it happened back in 2001. Since the STALKER project itself turned out to be just an epic "long-term construction", it saw the light only five years later. At first, the developers intended to use it exclusively with DirectX 8, but by the release of the first part of the trilogy, support for DirectX 9 was added to it. In 2008, when the release of the long-suffering Clear Sky was announced, version 10 was also added there.

Finally, "Call of Pripyat" also received DirectX 11. However, given some "roughness" in the game code itself, the engine was not able to fully reveal the full potential of the 11th version.

What is the manifestation of the error?

This moment cannot be confused with anything. The game suddenly stops and then crashes to the desktop. Since a large bug is depicted in the error code dialog box, the XRay Engine is often called the "green trouble" and "bad luck bug" on fan forums.

However, enough lyrics. What is the reason for the appearance of the "beetle"?

Reasons for the appearance

Alas, there is simply no single answer to such a burning question. The developers from GSC did not particularly comment on the reasons even during the period when the company still existed, and now it is completely pointless to hope for detailed answers.

Using the “trial and error” method, it was found out that most often the game “flies” on the computers of those users who do not have the latest drivers for the video card installed. So if you don't know what specific version of this software is installed on your machine, it's time to update it.

Update the game itself

If you have witnessed the appearance of "Clear Sky", then remember all those "flattering" epithets that the players awarded developers. And it was for what! It was really completely impossible to play, and the XRay Engine error was still "flowers"!

What are only immortal snipers and a completely empty "Dark Valley"! It turned out to play normally only with the addition of 1.5.04, and all the saves that were made on previous versions did not work. In a word, if you have the Internet, do not be lazy and go to the developer's website. All existing patches for all games in the series are there, so you only need to download and install them. In this case, the XRay Engine error in Stalker will most likely appear much less frequently.

Pirated versions

Since the developers did not take into account the interests of end users too much, the notorious StarForce system protects the game from illegal copying. It is not surprising that many users prefer to download NoDVD even when they have a licensed disc with the game in their hands.

Unfortunately, many of these "pills" just cause the XRay Engine error to appear. What to do if you don't want to spoil the StarForce operating system, but you also don't want to constantly see the "green beetle"?

Alas, there is only one way out. Buy the game on Steam. Since the game is also available to foreign users in this digital content store (who have StarForce banned in principle), you will definitely get rid of the problem.

Other reasons

Another important factor that can contribute to the error may be your computer hardware. Too new or old components may well not get along with the mysterious Ukrainian engine, after which the XRay Engine error will constantly haunt you. "Call of Pripyat" is currently the most "fresh" version of the game, in which the problem with iron is the least common. "Shadow of Chernobyl" and "Clear Sky" are much older in this regard, and therefore they often refuse to be friends with new video cards at all.


When "Stalker" was just released, the players' enthusiasm knew no bounds. The game really gave a feeling of almost limitless freedom. GG could go anywhere, being practically unlimited in the direction of his movement. As time went on, enthusiasm became less and less.

It became clear that the developers were not going to return the cut locations, and the action in the game was not enough. It was then that MODs (game modifications) appeared, sometimes making truly global changes to Stalker.

The most famous was the AMK project, without which gamers with experience now pass the "Shadow of Chernobyl" and do not advise at all. Some mods were very successful, some not so much. But almost all of them have an XRay Engine bug. "Call of Pripyat" is much less susceptible to this phenomenon for the reason that there are much fewer mods for this game.

So if you use a MOD, then there is only one way out - to communicate with its developer directly or shovel hundreds of pages of forums where players sometimes post good home-made "patches" that, under certain conditions, are really capable of eliminating this error. Of course, it is far from always possible to hope for this, since in the case of the XRay Engine (“Call of Pripyat” in particular), it is difficult to say anything concrete.


Other players who find some levels too difficult often get too carried away with cheats, with which you can build an unlimited number of weapons and equipment for yourself, get the best artifacts at your disposal.

As usual, you have to pay for everything. In this particular case, this is expressed in the loss of program stability, when the XRay Engine error in Stalker starts to come out every few seconds. If this happens, just try to look for another version of the cheat. Fortunately, today on the Internet they can be found in thousands of copies. Finally, try to pass the difficult level honestly! Perhaps this way you will get much more pleasure from the game.


Alas, even the most logical and correct, at first glance, methods fail when it comes to this game engine. For example, if you are not playing at native resolution, this may well be the cause of this error.

Your monitor resolution is 1280x1024, but do you prefer to play at 800x600? It is likely that the XRay Engine appears in Stalker precisely because of this. Change the resolution to native (recommended for this monitor). In some cases, such a simple measure helps to completely eliminate the error.

Sometimes the problem manifests itself when you have a too small paging file. Ideally, its size should be twice the amount of RAM.

How to increase the swap file size?

It's actually quite easy to do this. To do this, right-click on "My Computer", and then select "Properties" from the context menu. In the dialog box that opens, select the "Advanced system settings" option. Click on the "Settings" button in the "Performance" item, and then select the "Advanced" tab. Then you need to click "Change" in the "Virtual memory" item, then enter the value you need there and left-click on "OK".

Occasionally, the game can be launched if the system has less than 512 MB of memory, but you should not do this: the XRay Engine error and terrible “brakes” will still prevent you from playing.

Finally, it is necessary to say about the features of the game itself. It is advisable to disable unnecessary items to improve the image. This statement is especially true when it comes to the Stalker Call of Pripyat. XRay Engine appeared very often in version 1.6.0 when the player tried to set the maximum quality settings.

And more about drivers. It is not so rare that an error annoys those users who have a discrete audio card in their computer. Try updating the drivers for it, and in especially difficult cases, disable the device from the Control Panel. Attention! Do this carefully, as otherwise you may lose all sound on your computer altogether.

What can be said at the end of our story? We wish you that no mistakes prevent you from setting new game records! We hope that our recommendations will help you in this matter.

Back in 2006 saw the light the best game of all time– STALKER.

This game was developed for six years, and many gamers no longer believed in its release. But in 2006, it did happen. Stalker exceeded all expectations, and many fans went through "Shadow of Chernobyl" several times in one breath.

In 2008, another part of this exciting game was released - "Clear sky", and a year later appeared - "Call of Pripyat".

It was in this part of the Stalker that players most often began to encounter one problem - “Error Xray Engine 1.6”, and in this review we will try to tell users how to deal with this problem.

"Beetle of happiness"

Exactly so called this error gamers, because when it appeared, a sign with a description of the error popped up, where a green bug was drawn on the left. When the X-ray Engine 1.6 error appeared - the game arbitrarily closed with access to the desktop.

There was little information on the Internet about solving the problem, and practically nothing came from the manufacturers themselves. no information on this error, but obsessed gamers did not give up - they were looking for a solution to the problem wherever they could.

Outgoing game updates in the form of patches, this problem was partially solved, but in some cases it still returned. Gamers also noticed a clear pattern that if you update the game to the latest version and update the video driver, then the "misfortune bug" almost receded.

Finding and eliminating causes

With the release of the first part of STALKER, users have already noted numerous bugs. In the game, it was possible to face unkillable opponents, and it was also possible to come across completely uninhabited locations.

Already in the "Shadow of Chernobyl" an X-ray Engine 1.6 error began to appear occasionally, but it wasn't pushy enough, and more or less it was possible to pass the game.

When the developers "run in" new patch 1.5.04, then the problem with the "beetle" was almost completely solved. But all this is provided that you download a licensed version of the game, which has all the necessary patches in its arsenal.

Another most common cause of X-ray Engine 1.6 error is use of pirate cracks. Since at that time Stalker was protected by the well-known anti-piracy StarForce, the use of any kind of pirated software led to an error with a "beetle".

In this case, there is only one solution - to purchase Stalker, say, in Steam, and play without problems without fear that the annoying gameplay will be interrupted by the annoying X-ray Engine 1.6.

Another very common cause of this error is crooked fashion, which, on the one hand, are very necessary, but on the other hand, require proper installation and must be developed with high quality.

There is no doubt that mods make Stalker much more colorful, but they are often the cause of the X-ray Engine 1.6 error.

In this case, this error is eliminated by the correct selection of the necessary mods, multiple user reviews about a particular add-on are studied, the most stable mod is selected and installed correctly. If everything is done correctly, then the "bug of misfortune" will bypass you, and you will fully enjoy your favorite game with very dynamic mods.

There is another reason for the X-ray Engine 1.6 error to occur - this is use of all kinds of "cheats" for a quick pass. If you are zealous with the use of cheat codes - infinite ammunition, some powerful weapon, and so on, then in this case you get a high probability that during the game you will encounter an X-ray Engine 1.6 error.

Overloading the game with "cheats" leads to loss of stability by the X-ray engine itself, and the appearing friezes and lags provoke the appearance of a “beetle of misfortune”. The gamer must be aware of what is acceptable in the Stalker game, and what is already too much in terms of "cheats". The less you use "crutches" in the game, the more stable and without errors Stalker will work for you.

There have also been cases of errors occurring when monitor settings were set individually.

In order for Stalker to work flawlessly for you, the monitor settings must be “recommended”, and in most cases this will save you from the annoying “bug”.

In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to one more important point, due to which the X-ray Engine 1.6 error occurs. This trouble may appear when pagefile.sys is not large enough for the stable operation of the system - as a whole.

In the case of Stalker, the "swap" should be at least twice the size of your RAM, and only then will you achieve stability in the game, and "X-ray Engine 1.6" will leave you forever. We will not tell here how to adjust the size of the swap file, since this has long been described in Google in great detail.


Even today, all parts of the beloved Stalker game do not cease to delight enthusiastic fans of this series. Stalker literally appeared revolution in the gaming world, and its realistic graphics truly fascinated the players of that time.

Yes, it was not without problems, and today we have studied the main methods for solving these problems. Have a good game!

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